About Us
From Little things, big things grow. At Dirty Rascal Games this is what we aim to do. We are a small family run game design studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Our team has over a 20 year history of providing illustration and design services to some of the biggest names in games. We have provided artwork for numerous well known card games, board games and RPG’s including Dungeons & Dragons, Thunderstone, Talisman, Numenera, Legend of the Five Rings and Dominion. Clients include AEG, Fantasy Flight Games, Rio Grande Games, Cubicle 7 and Monte Cook Games.
Our newest challenge is making the move from contributor to creator, launching a range of games under our own orange and white banner! Here at Dirty Rascal Games we are all about epic adventures set in vibrant worlds, challenging your rivals with clever strategy and laying the smack down on your friends and family.
Our team of dedicated gamers have been inspired to create their own set of rules and bring something fun and funky to the table. So, whether you’re a social gamer, new to the hobby, or crazy competitive, check out our up-coming games.
We’re fun, funky, and a little bit spunky!